The Slave Society

Summary : Real legal system appeared in the slave society .
In Xia dynasty , China had gradually entered the slave society from the primitive society .
Into the slave society , mythology , religion , witchcraft became the main performance of jade objects , the Chinese " God jade culture " reflected in this period was particularly prominent .
In the slave society , due to fierce wars , people were forced to make harder weapons , study and reform grapple skills for the wars , and just at that time , wushu came into the shaping stage .
During the slave society and the feudal society , the unfair of the fortune and the income is the contact between the political privileges , so , in those societies this unfair was regarded as the normal condition .
Political conflict took place frequently in the period of slave society turning into feudal society .
On behalf of a primitive agriculture , matriarchal society , one representative of agriculture , handicrafts , construction and Ye Tong has been a clear development and the beginning of slave society .
Simple Analysis of the Slave Phenomenon in Modern Society
Zhou Dynasty is a new era for the development of the slave society , territory expansion , people communicate more frequently .
In China , since the 2,000 years from slave society , it is widely exist , characterized mainly borrowing of short duration , harsh conditions , high interest rates .
It had reached its mature age even in the primitive society and the slave society .
Concept of citizens first produced in ancient Greece city of the Union . Because the slave society was reality , and a far cry from the modern citizen consciousness .
Condominium , as an important real estate system , the origin of it started in the slave society , accompanying with the city rise .
From the angle of the primitive society and slave society of China , both the creation and the development of Chinese ancient concept of god , culture of ethics , and culture of law are a process of natural evolution but not a rational construction .
The contents are affected by the system of slave society in China .
The second social reform was the transition from slave society to feudal society .
Civil suit collateral to criminal proceedings germinated in the late primitive society and became common practice during the slave society .
The tripod , a symbol of the rank system in the slave society of ancient China , is a vessel of bronze art connected God with man , which is used for some significant sacrifice in ancient China .
The following Shang and Western Zhou dynasties saw further development of the slave society .
The era of The Book of Songs was in the transitional period of historical significance from the slave society into the feudal society .
The inception and evolution of the concept were not directly relevant to the socio-economic foundation of the slave society or that of the feudal society .
Starting from State Lu , the well field system disintegrated gradually in all states , which was the sign of the collapse of slave society .
The United States has not been in this phase of the feudal society , it is the primitive society from slave society with a direct transition to a capitalist society .
The Pre-Qin thousands years development history is a national epic , contains three big social evolution of the primitive communes , the slave society and the feudal society .
The author thinks that it has been a basic principle to distribute according to production element in the different social stages since the slave society .
The contradiction lied in that the patriarchal system was not derived from the feudal society but the exclusive superstructure and ideology in the slave society .
As the oldest and the strictest punishment in human history , it stemmed from the final phase of the primitive society and the initial stage of the slave society , was the outcome of human instinct for revenge .
The Natural Lingering Relationships : Concept of God , Culture of Ethics , and Culture of Law & Review from the Angle of the Primitive Society and Slave Society of China
It includes the basic characteristics and changing trends of the village cadres ' post behaviors in the development of the rural economy in different historical periods , such as the primitive society , slave society , feudal society and also the time after founding of new China .
After the founding of new China . Hill Officer system which existed in Jingpo society nearly a hundred years was complete abolished . The Jingpo area transformed from the slave and half slave society to a socialist society directly , and people in Jingpo area mastered the country truly .